[okfn-discuss] Open Knowledge Foundation - Nomination Prix Ars Electronica 2010 - Digital Communities

Jonathan Gray jonathan.gray at okfn.org
Tue Mar 16 18:53:40 UTC 2010

Hi all,

I've completed the application form but would greatly appreciate any
help in generating a new, up to date version our diagram representing
the OKF's activities:


Including this one for now - but if anyone is suddenly inspired to
produce a better one it would be very much appreciated! The deadline
is tomorrow (presumably midnight CET). I'm 'jwygray' on Skype.

All the best,


On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 8:07 PM, Jonathan Gray <jonathan.gray at okfn.org> wrote:
> We've just been nominated for Prix Ars Electronica 2010 in Digital
> Communities category!
> More information at:
>  http://www.aec.at/prix_categories_en.php?cat=Digital%20Communities
> As far I as can gather we have to submit:
>  * detailed description of the work (concept and content).
>  * supporting information and resources (in the case of texts, the
> complete, unabridged version of the text; scientific, scholarly or
> theoretical texts about the project; media coverage and reviews) as
> well as illustrations.
>  * a portrait photo of the author and graphics files describing the
> project in the following formats: TIFF, EPS, BMP, JPG, GIF (JPG and
> EPS only at maximum quality).
>  * biography of the person submitting the entry.
> Anyone interested in helping with the submission? In particular would
> really love any assistance with preparing visual materials!
> All the best,
> Jonathan
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Dear Jonathan,
>  “Open Knowledge Foundation” has been nominated in this year’s Prix
> Ars Electronica in the category Digital Communties. Therefore, I would
> like to encourage you and your team to participate with this project.
> The category "Digital Communities", which met with great interest and
> participation in the last years, will be awarded again by Prix Ars
> Electronica in 2010. The Digital Communities category is open to
> political, social and cultural projects, initiatives, groups and
> scenes from all over the world that display contentious commitment in
> coming up with smart, successful ways of deploying digital
> technologies to solve social problems. Particular emphasis is placed
> on a project’s degree of community innovation, its sustainability and
> its use of technology in a way that makes good sense and is attuned to
> the needs of the people meant to benefit from it. Digital Communities
> projects should make it easier for people to access technology,
> networks and the Digital Commons. We explicitely encourage
> community-related net.art projects to submit.
>  For a detailed description of the category and about Prix Ars
> Electronica in general, please see our website:
> http://www.aec.at/prix_categories_en.php?cat=Digital%20Communities
> Prizes
> One Golden Nica with 10,000 Euro, two Awards of Distinction with 5,000
> Euro each and up to 12 Honorary Mentions will be awarded by the jury.
> The deadline for submissions is March 5, 2010.
> Please use  for your
> submission and to obtain further details.
> If you need any further information or help, please contact
> communities at prixars.aec.at
> Kind regards,
> Cornelia Mayrhofer
> Mag. (FH) Cornelia Mayrhofer
> Prix Ars Electronica 2010 / Digital Communities
> ---------------------------------------
> Ars Electronica Linz GmbH
> Ars-Electronica-Straße 1
> 4040 Linz, Austria,
> Telefon: 0043-732-7272-70
> Fax: 0043-732-7272-674
> E-Mail: communities at prixars.aec.at
> http://prixars.aec.at
> --
> Jonathan Gray
> Community Coordinator
> The Open Knowledge Foundation
> http://blog.okfn.org
> http://twitter.com/jwyg
> http://identi.ca/jwyg

Jonathan Gray

Community Coordinator
The Open Knowledge Foundation


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