[okfn-discuss] Interview with Libre Graphics Magazine

Danny Piccirillo danny.piccirillo at member.fsf.org
Wed Jul 13 07:08:04 UTC 2011

I thought all you free culture / free software people might enjoy this video
interview I recorded with the editors of Libre Graphics magazine:

It's a great project, that may be young (started as just an experiment), but
it's clear how quickly it is improving with each release. You can download
it, get a printed copy, contribute, etc, from their website (a bit barebones
currently): http://libregraphicsmag.com/

They showcase entirely free works produced with free software, and their
workflow is 100% free. Pretty damn impressive!

For the techie folks who really want to poke around, the entire magazine s
version controlled and you can see every revision ever made on their
gitorious repository: http://gitorious.org/libregraphicsmag

also seen on CC Labs and Slashdot!

Spread the love!


[𝄽#] The Silent Number
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