[okfn-discuss] Lucy and Jonathan: question re new Working Group pgs

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Tue Jun 14 10:34:09 UTC 2011

On 13 June 2011 20:39, Kaitlyn (Kat) Braybrooke <kat.braybrooke at okfn.org> wrote:
> Hi again. Question for Jonathan, Lucy and Rufus especially (but all opinions
> are appreciated here!)
> I've updated the prospective EU Open Data Group page
> (http://okfn.org/groups/working-group-on-eu-open-data/admin/edit-details/)

I think you mean :-)


> to reflect the changes you guys suggested (ie, it is now more concise, with
> a link to the Wiki instead of a list of names, etc) and have added an image.
> What do you think of this as a model for the other Group pages I'll create?
> I am thinking of the following three requirements being standards for new
> Working Group pages to keep things clear:
> 1) Each group provides a short blurb for the following three headlines:
> Purpose, Projects, and Get Involved.
> 2) Each group provides an image which looks similar to the EU Open Data
> group image (ie, a rounded icon with a descriptive image) and if this cannot
> be provided, I shall make one.
> 3) Each group uses their (existing) Wiki for *internal* group member
> communications and details, and the Group page on the OKFN website for the
> *public face* for the Working Group (this will include group members adding
> themselves as 'Members' on the page so the public can see the profiles of
> who is involved).

What happens when a group has a website? E.g.
http://science.okfn.org/. In that case I think that site's front page
wants to be landing point for that working group and for that site to
contain most info. I think the group pages on okfn.org probably want
to be quite limited with a brief intro and then a pointer to the main

If there is no main website (as currently the case for euopendata)
then the sort of approach you've outline makes a lot of sense --
though I think we want to move gradually to a point where each working
group has its own mini wordpress site.

So to summarize: I like the sections but think they should be links to
sections of the the groups main site where that exists. I think we
probably want to record membership on the main site where that exists
as well (perhaps with instructions as to how to become a member). I
think membership of the group on okfn.org wants to be a more social
think rather than the official register of members of that working
group. The main public face is the working group website, or if that
does not exist, the group page.

> Let me know if all of this sounds good, and if so I will proceed on creating
> the rest of the new Group pages :)

I think we want group pages but I think we should keep them really
simple at the moment -- few sentences on purpose and then link to
existing resources.


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