[okfn-discuss] weekend jazz in Helsinki

Puneet Kishor punk.kish at gmail.com
Fri Sep 21 14:45:20 UTC 2012

http://storyville.fi/ round about 10 PM

On Sep 21, 2012, at 9:44 AM, Puneet Kishor <punk.kish at gmail.com> wrote:

> Jazz lovers know that standing on the shoulder of giants is the only way to make great music.
> Celebrating a fabulous OKFestival at the most inspiring Aalto Design School would be most 
> appropriately done with an evening of jazz and blues at a local HEL club. Sadly I could unearth 
> only three options, and my Finnish is rather rusty from disuse to fully understand the info on the 
> following web sites.
>     http://www.juttutupa.com/
>     http://www.kokojazzclub.com
>     http://storyville.fi
> I welcome suggestions from anyone who knows the local scene, and all who would want to 
> spend an evening enjoying the original open source art form... either today or tomorrow or 
> both evenings. Can't never get enough jazz and blues.
> --
> Puneet Kishor
> science, data, policy... yeah
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