[okfn-discuss] Sign our petition for Lobbying Transparency in the UK

Theodora Middleton theodora.middleton at okfn.org
Mon Dec 9 16:14:52 UTC 2013

Hi there,

Today the Open Knowledge Foundation and the Alliance for Lobbying
Transparency are co-launching a petition endorsed by a group of
transparency and civil society organisations, asking the UK government to
rewrite the lobbying bill to give citizens a proper register of lobbyists
in the UK.

Read the blog post here:
Sign the petition here: http://you.38degrees.org.uk/p/secretlobbying

It is a crucial moment for lobbying transparency in the UK, as the
government is passing a Lobbying Bill full of toothless proposals that will
let coroporate lobbyists off the hook, whilst being framed as a victory for
open government. We believe tha citizens should be able to see who is
influencing their governments

If you're interested in improving lobbying transparency in your country,
join the global lobbying transparency working
which we run together with Sunlight Foundation:

Please share far and wide!




* Theodora MiddletonPress Officer  |  skype: theodora.middleton The Open
Knowledge Foundation <http://okfn.org/> Empowering through Open Knowledge
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