[okfn-discuss] OKFN on the news, photos and archiving the mailing lists

Everton Zanella Alvarenga everton.alvarenga at okfn.org
Fri Feb 1 12:22:02 UTC 2013

Hi all,

just a few ideas I just had. The first and more important, I think, is
that in the local groups page we should gather somewhere all news that
mention OKFN activities in our countries. I am adding some news where
OKFN or OKFN Brasil appears on my personal bookmarks


and maybe there is a more clever way to do so.

I think it would be good if at least one person of a local group had
access to the central OKFN flickr account. Last year I uploaded a lot
of photos of events on my personal flickr, not I am lazy to add the on
the central one (the files are all spread in a lot of computers :P).

What about archieving all OKFN mailing lists on gmane.org? I think
really useful to navigate on and find previous discussions.

I also believe we should create a page with instruction on the use of
social media. For instance, when we need use tag, we should define a
pattern, like #okfnXX, when XX are two letter of the country.

These ideas were added in local groups doc
Kat has created.

Feedback welcome.


Everton Zanella Alvarenga (also Tom)
OKFN Brasil - Rede pelo Conhecimento Livre

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