[okfn-discuss] [FC-d"iscuss] A Free, Libre and Open Glossary

Rob Myers rob at robmyers.org
Wed Jul 10 14:47:39 UTC 2013

On 10/07/13 14:53, Aaron Wolf wrote:
> I like the idea of standardizing with the Spanish, however, can we get
> the OKFN to become the LKFN and the FSF to become the LSF or SLF? As
> much as libre/gratis are clearly the winning words for clarity, we are
> dealing with a reality in which people often see "free" and "open" in
> these contexts, so we have to simply deal with it. I think FLO,
> free/libre/open, is the best solution as it makes people recognize that
> there is confusion. I think the goal right now should be to get the
> world to wonder whenever they see "free" or "open" and ask themselves,
> "well, is it libre?" or "is it FLO?" And this will only happen if we do
> acknowledge all of these terms as being related to the same central
> libre concept.

FLOSS used to be Free/Libre/Open Source Software. The cultural 
equivalent would presumably be FLOC. :-)

"Free" only has to be explained once. "Open" really can't be explained....

- Rob.

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