[okfn-discuss] [FC-discuss] A Free, Libre and Open Glossary

Chris Sakkas sanglorian at gmail.com
Fri Jul 12 05:26:54 UTC 2013

Hey folks,

I've updated: http://okfnpad.org/UEVd4jV2cB

Including a one-page summary, more discussion about what the free in free
software/culture means and changes to the definition of intellectual
property and 'fund and release'.

*Samuel: *I tend to agree. I think libre or FLO (or, perhaps, FLOW) are
ideal terms.


On 12 July 2013 02:33, Karl Fogel <kfogel at questioncopyright.org> wrote:

> Trademarks are rivalrous :-).

Hmm, good point. I'd say they're rivalrous in some circumstances. They're
non-rivalrous when used to mark origin, contents or producer. They become
rivalrous when they are a brand that depends on exclusivity.

So halaal logos are non-rival, but the Louis Vuitton logo is rival.

I've deleted my attempt to define IP and now the doc simply describes it as
a collection of different areas of the law.

> The "Threshold Pledge" system was a term originally used to describe
> what many people would now call the Kickstarter model: etc

Thanks Karl, I've re-written the 'Fund and release' section. I'm not sure
that I've nailed it - if you get a chance, let me know how it's going:



*Chris Sakkas
**Admin of the FOSsil Bank wiki <http://fossilbank.wikidot.com/> and the Living
Libre blog <http://www.livinglibre.com> and Twitter
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