[okfn-discuss] Regional events vs. global ones (it was: Updates from Korea)

Prakash Neupane nprkshn at gmail.com
Tue May 21 10:36:32 UTC 2013

This is really a good one, being the global organization, there are lot of
things/issues need to observe. Strategic planning, better networking, work
evaluation are essentials.
 plus one point for Everton from myside....

Prakash Neupane
Open Knowledge Foundation Nepal

On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 3:58 PM, Everton Zanella Alvarenga <
everton.alvarenga at okfn.org> wrote:

> Hi, Flanders and all. [answering Flanders idea of a regional event bellow]
> That is a good idea, actually. I have a lot of experience in participating
> of another global community, Wikimedia. After years of participation in
> several events and seeing how much resources is spent (money and people) in
> this other community for various annual events, I just wonder if wouldn't
> be better to have a more global event each two years and try to have
> regional ones in between.
> This can stregth local communities and regions to make things by their own
> and give more time for the organization of a global event. One thing I am
> still not sure is how to share the learnings of the process for building
> these things. For instance, I've participated of the last 4 Wikimanias
> (2009-2012), 3 as a volunteer and one as a Wikimedia Foundation contractor
> (I could go now, but I won't have time). One thing I've noticed is that
> several good aspects we could have in some of the events could NOT be
> replicated in others, such as streaming, archiving, wi-fi connection,
> logistic etc..
> We need to have a more clear idea on what we  want with all OKF event
> (OKCon, Open Government Data Camp, Sumits and OKFest) or, if we have, at
> least document it some where (do we have it?).
> As OKF network become more global, I think that is an important
> conversation we should have, if OKF central thinks important some input on
> that. :)
> Tom
> 2013/5/21 David F. Flanders <dff.melb at gmail.com>
>> I really think it is time we start to talk about an
>> Asia-Australasia-Pacific OKCon event... #PlantingSeeds :) /Flanders
> --
> Everton Zanella Alvarenga (also Tom)
> OKFN Brasil - Rede pelo Conhecimento Livre
> http://br.okfn.org
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