[okfn-discuss] Permission request (license)

François Boulogne fboulogne at sciunto.org
Sun Nov 3 10:35:32 UTC 2013


I'm developing a library which is based on a small part of one of your
project: https://github.com/okfn/bibserver
Your project is released under AGPLv3, which makes sense for your purpose.

The code I picked up from your project is the bibtexparser written in
this file:
A bibtex parser is something missing in python, so I started a project
there https://github.com/sciunto/python-bibtexparser  (released under
AGPL). However, this license is not the best choice for a library like this.

My request is to give me the permission to re-use (only) this file
with a LGPL (or if it's possible for you, BSD) license.
Mark MaxGillivray, the main contributor, kindly gave me is permission
(see below), but because OKFN  holds the rights, I ask you the
permission too.

By LGPL, I mean: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.en.html
By BSD, I mean http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php

Thank you for your consideration.
François Boulogne.

PS: I already sent this request at info at okfn.org but I never got an
answer, so I try here.

Mark's answer:

Le 10/10/2013 10:42, Mark MacGillivray a écrit :
> Hello Francois, 
> I am not currently working with the OKFN, however at least as far as
> my involvement with the bibserver project goes, I give you permission.
> As Etienne points out though, it is the OKFN that hold the rights, so
> you may want to make an attempt to check with them too.
> Mark

My original request:

> I'm maintaining a standalone bibtex parser library
> (https://github.com/sciunto/python-bibtexparser) which comes from one of
> your project (bibserver, https://github.com/okfn/bibserver).
> Your project is under the AGPLv3 license and I
> was wondering if you can give me the permission to switch my library
> under LGPL (or eventually BSD) since it is much more suitable for this
> project and users.
> Thank you very much for your consideration.
> Kind regards,

François Boulogne.
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