[okfn-discuss] Free Software tools for OKFN -- please contribute

William Waites ww at eris.okfn.org
Sat Nov 30 11:27:41 UTC 2013

I don't think that this is about encouraging people to use Free
Software -- even though I happen to think that is a good thing to
encourage. It's about not requiring people to use proprietary software
to participate in the OKF's activities and projects.

It doesn't bother me if somebody else prefers a proprietary email
program or text editor or voip client. I might think that their choice
is misguided but that isn't the core of the problem. It bothers me
when I cannot use a free one despite having made an ethical and moral
choice long ago to use Free Software.

As someone who has thought about this a lot and come to some reasoned
conclusions about it, I don't think it is right that an organisation
like the OKF asks me to make ethical and moral compromises in order to
participate. Especially since the subject matter is so closely related
to what the OKF does.


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