[okfn-discuss] CC and copyright reform

Aaron Wolf wolftune at gmail.com
Wed Oct 30 19:43:54 UTC 2013

On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 12:12 PM, David Hirst <david at davidhirst.com> wrote:

> Copyright is an important feature of copyleft, so I would not wish to see
> it abolished entirely.****
Please don't continue this awkward defense. Copyleft is a hack to
workaround problems, not something inherently requiring copyright.
Obviously there are issues with just axing some law with no further
consideration. The full solution involves eliminating copyright while
adding laws prohibiting DRM and requiring open-source for all publications.
There would then be no need for copyleft. What we want isn't for
individuals to choose to be copyleft, what we want is to get rid of
proprietary restrictions, so the real answer, if we talk ideals, is to just
ban the restrictions and mechanisms that lead to them.
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