[okfn-discuss] Video: All about Open in Brazil

Heather Leson heather.leson at okfn.org
Wed Apr 16 15:31:03 UTC 2014

Hi folks, Tom and I had a great chat about all things Open in Brazil. He
touched on chapters, global south challenges, upcoming local activities
(Open Science, Access, School of data, Corruption and more). As well, we
talked about the upcoming global events (World Cup, Olympics) in Brazil and
how this might need the Open Movement's help.

Tom, thanks so much for sharing your community's story.



We need some translation help getting this translated into Brazillian
Portuguese or other languages. There is a great tool called Amara.org that
allows folks to do this as a community. It would help tremendously in
connecting the global community in their own words.

*Next scheduled community session *will be all about CKAN (April 23rd,

Thank you



Heather Leson, Community Engagement Director

Open Knowledge Foundation <http://okfn.org/>*, Empowering through Open

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