[okfn-discuss] The Open Knowledge Brasil is a finalist of the Google Impact Challenge | Brazil!

Jorge Cabezas jorgeluiscabezas at gmail.com
Tue Apr 29 16:51:00 UTC 2014


2014-04-29 12:12 GMT-03:00 Everton Zanella Alvarenga <tom at okfn.org.br>:

> Hi folks!
> We are proud to announce we are finalists at the Google Global Impact
> Challenge | Brazil!
> Our project deals with something that affects everybody: your pocket (in
> our case, the Brazilian pocket :). Open Spending (Gastos Abertos in
> Portuguese) will show you how the federal government of Brazil and the
> state government of São Paulo are spending OUR money. We’ll do everything
> through easy and interactive data visualizations.
> But we will not stop right there! We know that such a change in attitude
> doesn’t come overnight. It requires a lot of effort and dedication. It
> requires awareness.
> That’s why we’ll offer courses and tools so anyone will be able to use
> Open Spending in efficient and striking ways, anywhere. We’ll create the
> conditions for anyone to bring Open Spending to any city in the country, *a
> la* School of Data (Escola de Dados here). When everyone changes their
> realities, we change our country.
> *Please, vote in our project to help us transform Brazil!*<https://desafiosocial.withgoogle.com/brazil2014/charity/open-knowledge-foundation>
> https://desafiosocial.withgoogle.com/brazil2014/charity/open-knowledge-foundation
> Thank you!
> Tom
> --
> Everton Zanella Alvarenga (also Tom)
> Open Knowledge Brasil - Rede pelo Conhecimento Livre
> http://br.okfn.org
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Jorge Cabezas
Follow me: @jkbzas
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