[okfn-discuss] Open Knowledge confirms Pavel Richter as new CEO

Naomi Lillie naomi.lillie at okfn.org
Wed Apr 29 15:58:39 UTC 2015

Dear all,

Today we are delighted to announce that the search is complete: we have
found our new CEO, and he is Pavel Richter!

Please give Pavel a warm welcome as we look ahead to an exciting time

Many thanks to Daniel Dietrich and the rest of the search team for their
efforts over the past months - we're thrilled with the result.

For more information please see the newly-published blog post
and do retweet <https://twitter.com/OKFN/status/593436857548996608> / share
/ like
post on your notice-board (most innovative way of spreading the news gets a
special mention on any follow-up announcements); also, for more about Pavel
Richter, start with finding out #whatpavelcooks
<https://twitter.com/hashtag/whatpavelcooks> on Twitter and see what else
you discover!



Naomi Lillie

skype: n.lillie  |  @naomilillie <https://twitter.com/NaomiLillie>

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