[okfn-discuss] Twitter accounts

John Levin john at technolalia.org
Sun Feb 15 15:27:21 UTC 2015


I have some questions about some OKFN twitter accounts.

1: Is OpenLiterature https://twitter.com/OpenLiterature an OKFN account?

2: The Open Heritage profile (https://twitter.com/openheritage) has a 
link to http://openheritage.okfn.org/ that leads to a server not found 

3: The above accounts, and Open Shakespeare - 
https://twitter.com/openshakespeare - are dormant, with no activity 
since 2012. I know Twitter is one of those things that requires constant 
attention, and therefore is quite burdensome. Does OKFN have any 
strategy for reviving these accounts or running twitter accs in general?

4: And is there a list of all the OKFN-related accounts available somewhere?



John Levin

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