[Okfn-dk] Fwd: Welcome to your fellow Ambassadors/ Initiative leaders in Round 7!

Niels Erik Kaaber Rasmussen niels at buhlrasmussen.eu
Wed Oct 9 09:38:42 UTC 2013

Til orientering videresender jeg her (endnu) en mail fra OKFN 
vedrørende opstart på OKFN-DK

/Niels E
(+45) 2680 9492

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Welcome to your fellow Ambassadors/ Initiative leaders in 
Round 7!
Date: 2013-10-07 18:53
 From: Zara Rahman <zara.rahman at okfn.org>
To: ayay412 at gmail.com, Serdar Temiz KTH <temiz at kth.se>, 
staconst at gmail.com, Ramda Yanurzha <ramda.yz at gmail.com>, Tarek Amr 
<tarekamr at gmail.com>, Lane Rasberry <lane at bluerasberry.com>, Christian 
Severt <crsevert at me.com>, Brian Glanz 
<brian.glanz at opensciencefederation.org>, Niels Erik Kaaber Rasmussen 
<niels at buhlrasmussen.eu>, local <local at okfn.org>

  Anyong, Serdar, Stathis, Ramda, Tarek, Lane, Brian, Christian, Mohini 
and Niels:

  Hello and welcome again to the Open Knowledge Foundation's Local 
Groups network!

  We're really happy you've all chosen to accept your positions in the 
Local Groups network. As you all know, our Local Ambassadors [1] scheme 
is fairly new, so thank you for your patience with this process - we 
appreciate it! You are all part of Round 7 of our Ambassador/Initative 

  This email is the official confirmation that you are each Local 
Ambassadors / Local Initiative Coordinators [1], which means a few 
important things:

1) We have prepared a Welcome Package for each of you here [2] which 
includes your roles and responsibilities, as well as tutorials on 
getting started with your websites, with the national discussion lists 
you'll each be moderating, with our various communication tools and with 
social media outlets.

2) We will set up the national discussion list for each of you (or 
introduce you to your nation's list if one already exists) and create a 
national website (such as http://fi.okfn.org [3]) so that each of you 
can start blogging and setting things up right away (or, if one already 
exists, make you an Admin).

3) You should all have received an email from me earlier today with a 
Code of Conduct for you to sign.

4) We will introduce you the rest of the Local Group Ambassadors, 
Initiatives and Chapters by also adding you to our internal 
OKFN-Local-Coord Discussion list (look for an email from me tomorrow!)

Lastly, a quick run-through of each of your backgrounds, so you can say 
hello to each other:

CUI Anyong, China
  Serdar Temiz, Sweden
  Stathis Konstantinidis, Norway
  Ramda Yanurzha, Indonesia,
  Tarek Amr, Egypt
  Lane Rasberry, NYC, US
  Brian Glanz, Christian Severt and Mohini Patel - Washington State 
(Local Initiative)
  Niels Erik Kaaber Rasmussen, Denmark (Local Initiative)

  We look forward to building the community with you in the coming 

- Zara, Christian, Neal and Heather (the Local Groups team, 
local at okfn.org)

  [1] For the difference between Ambassadors and Initiatives, see these 
FAQs [4].

  Zara Rahman
  International Community Manager | skype: zara.rahman | @zararah [5]
  The Open Knowledge Foundation [6]
  _Empowering through Open Knowledge_
  http://www.okfn.org [6] | @okfn [7] | OKF on Facebook [8] | Blog [9] | 
Newsletter [10]

[1] http://okfn.org/local
[3] http://fi.okfn.org/
[4] http://okfn.org/local/faq/#what-is-the-role-of-a-local-ambassador
[5] http://www.twitter.com/zararah
[6] http://www.okfn.org
[7] http://www.twitter.com/okfn
[8] http://www.facebook.com/OKFNetwork
[9] http://blog.okfn.org
[10] http://okfn.org/about/newsletter/

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