[OKFN-EN] £10K I.T Grant's - UK Wide

Paul Raven paul at paulgrahamraven.com
Mon Oct 14 15:12:47 UTC 2013

The other risk of spammy behaviour on mailing lists is that of people
digging into your background; I note that Net Solutions Wales was dissolved
as a private company in 2010, according to Companies House.

Of course, there's many perfectly valid and legal reasons why that may be
the case, but one's willingness to give the benefit of the doubt is eroded
by behaviour of this sort. Something to consider for Messrs. Vidini and
Vidini, perhaps.


Paul Graham Raven<http://s.wisestamp.com/links?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.velcro-city.co.uk%2Fabout%2F&sn=YXJtY2hhaXJhbmFyY2hpc3RAZ21haWwuY29t>-
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My profiles: <http://s.wisestamp.com/links?url=http%3A%2F%2Fuk.linkedin.com%2Fin%2Fpaulgrahamraven&sn=YXJtY2hhaXJhbmFyY2hpc3RAZ21haWwuY29t>

On 14 October 2013 15:44, Mamading Ceesay <mamading at gmail.com> wrote:

> Claudio,
> This sounds like a great opportunity.
> However sending the same offer to the same mailing list 5 times in a
> little over a month is a tad bit excessive don't you think?
> I do hope you're not doing the same thing on other lists, otherwise you
> will find that emails from netsolutionswales.co.uk
> increasingly being automatically categorised as spam in various quarters.
> I'm speaking as someone who has administered high volume mail servers
> professionally as well as a subscriber to this list.
> Regards,
> Mamading Ceesay
> http://twitter.com/evangineer
> "A man sees in the world what he carries in his heart." ~Goethe
> On 14 October 2013 13:58, Claudio Vidini <claudio at netsolutionswales.co.uk>wrote:
>> Dear Open Discussions Group's,
>> We'd very much like to pass our Capital funding opportunity onto your
>> Community
>> member Group's.
>> We can assist any UK based Community Group or Charity with I.T. Grant's of
>> 10,000 GBP . Full support with no cost to the group or ongoing commitment.
>> Funds are for PC’s, Laptops (All Capital considered) and Services. Groups
>> must spend within a year of receipt. Funds are ongoing until at least
>> April 2014.
>> Senior Management may apply via email – grants at netsolutionswales.co.uk
>> Please add netsolutionswales.co.uk to your safe senders list to guarantee
>> receipt of correspondence.
>> http://www.netsolutionswales.**co.uk/e-nsw-2/grants.asp<http://www.netsolutionswales.co.uk/e-nsw-2/grants.asp>
>> Best Regards,
>> Claudio Vidini (BSc)
>> Director
>> www.netsolutionswales.co.uk
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