[okfn-help] Fw: Re: renewing publicgeodata.org ...

jo at frot.org jo at frot.org
Wed Jan 23 23:56:32 GMT 2008

meant to cc here, too.
----- Forwarded message from jo at frot.org -----

From: jo at frot.org
To: Benjamin Henrion <bh at udev.org>
Subject: Re: renewing publicgeodata.org ...

On Wed, Jan 23, 2008 at 10:17:36PM +0100, Benjamin Henrion wrote:
> Jo Walsh <jo at vishnu.tridity.org> [080123]:
> > 'whois publicgeodata.org' still says it's set to expire on the 27th. 
> > a reminder can't go amiss, right?
> Yop, but I don't own a credit card.

Okay, in this case i suggest the best thing would be to do what Rufus
originally suggested when you posted the 15-day expiry warning to the
geo-coord list: [[ get an 'transfer
code' asap and then we can transfer this to some other registrar (e.g.
the one we use here at the OKF ...). ]]

Could you move on this straight away as the expiry is the 27th?
> billing/administrative contact
>         Henrion Benjamin



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