[okfn-help] KForge community development

John Bywater john.bywater at appropriatesoftware.net
Tue May 5 16:04:42 BST 2009

Dear all,

For sometime, Rufus and I have wanted to develop further the KForge
community, and to extend the sponsorship of the development work to
include others beyond the Open Knowledge Foundation and the Appropriate
Software Foundation.

Hence, I propose to undertake a few initial steps:

1. Merge the kforge-dev and kforge-user lists.

2. Encourage a thread on okfn-help regarding KForge community development.

3. Propose and build consensus on an incremental and iterative process
of encouraging other sponsors to invest.

In respect of Task 3, I also propose:

4. To establish a software club [1] for KForge (and perhaps other Open
Knowledge software), to be called "KForge Club" (or perhaps "Open
Knowledge Software Club") [2].

5. To write an initial prospectus of proposals of the club, to provide a
statement of the proposed work, the desired benefits, the expected
costs, and the reporting of activity.

6. To identify and approach the existing KForge (and perhaps the broader
Open Knowledge) community, to solicit further proposals for KForge
development, and to solicit cash (and in-kind) contributions to the club.

7. To repeat proposed tasks 5. and 6. each quarter, according to the
Operational Cycle for Software Clubs [3].

If anybody has any thoughts about any of this, please reply on list!

With best wishes,


[1] http://appropriatesoftware.net/foundation/Clubs.html
[2] http://wiki.okfn.org/SoftwareClub
[3] http://appropriatesoftware.net/foundation/ClubTutorial.html

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