[okfn-help] Cron <root at eu0> cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly

James Casbon casbon at gmail.com
Fri Sep 4 12:01:33 BST 2009

2009/9/4 Rufus Pollock <rufus.pollock at okfn.org>:
> Looks like something is up with the backup to /mnt/backup on eu0. Is
> it perhaps because previous backup has not yet completed?

That's correct.  It's not a problem since the next backup will just
exit if the previous hasn't completed.  This will need to change
anyway, since if we set up us0 to do the same thing we will multiple
processes accessing the same mount and need a lock file.  Currently
the mount acts a lock which is not ideal.

What do you think about this approach.  It's been active a couple of
weeks and hasn't brought the server down.

It's actually a lot slower than I thought doing the 'cp -al' which
takes ~15 mins.

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