[okfn-help] More annotations! More!

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Mon Sep 14 14:47:36 BST 2009

Hi All,

I've now integrated Nick's js code with our existing annotater
(http://knowledgeforge.net/okfn/annotater) backend and we have a
working demo here:


There's still quite a bit to do (for example, we aren't displaying
text of annotations when we load them and Nick's engaged in heavy
refactoring of the backend) but much of the heavy lifting on both the
js and python side has now been done.


2009/9/7 Nick Stenning <nick at whiteink.com>:
> Rufus, and anyone else following the annotator,
> I've updated the README at http://github.com/nickstenning/jsannotate
> with a basic example of what integration with the server side might
> look like.
> It's a pretty naff way of loading/saving annotations: ideally we'd be
> passing "annotationCreated"/"annotationUpdated"/etc messages around,
> perhaps (as we discussed on the phone) to an AnnotationStore object
> which would manage interfacing with the server-side REST api.
> However, as discussed at
> http://github.com/nickstenning/jsannotate/issues#issue/1, I'm going to
> need to do a fair bit of refactoring before it's easy to implement the
> annotation/rest whatnot.
> For OpenShakespeare purposes, I think we're some way there if we just
> implement the code more-or-less as in the README, but obviously you
> might want to pass more than just the annotations object, so instead
> of just window.jsannotator.dumpAnnotations(), you might have: { docid:
> "http://...", annotations: window.jsannotator.dumpAnnotations() }
> That's all for now,
> N

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