[okfn-help] Etherpad problems..

Daniel Mietchen daniel.mietchen at googlemail.com
Mon Jul 26 20:01:52 BST 2010

On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 8:27 PM, Jonathan Gray <jonathan.gray at okfn.org> wrote:
> Etherpad admin menu seems to return lots of red error text, e.g.
> http://science.okfnpad.org/ep/admin/pro-config/
> Any ideas? Is it just this one, or are they all like that?
They are all like that - this is the kind of (mis-)configurations that
my initial okfnpad message was referring to.
We have started looking into the details but it seems that the current
installation requires quite a bit of cleanup and customization. If
anyone is interested in helping with that, please drop me a line.

> Trying to let anyone create pads at this subdomain (not sure if thats possible).
That is not possible in any standard installation, unless everyone you
have in mind to create pads there is invited as an admin, or an admin
password made public.



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