[okfn-help] Open Infrastructure: OFS, the Open/OKF bucket/object store

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Tue Jul 27 20:18:52 BST 2010


Just very quick update to people that Ben and I have been thinking and
hacking on some basic open infrastructure tools/services.

Specifically we've started on something we've dubbed OFS (for Open/OKF
File system).

Basic idea is to minimal abstraction of bucket/object storage so that
you can go seamlessly from working on disk to using a distributed
store (amazon s3, your nosql of choice ...).

At the moment we have a pairtree backend and semi-finished pairtree
one. Hope to knock up an s3 one.

Very much alpha and we're already dog-fooding on jiscobib and pdfator.


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