[okfn-help] government spending

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Thu Jul 10 19:43:13 UTC 2008

Ok I've created a dedicated wiki page to dump stuff on:


I also note this quote on <http://www.showusabetterway.co.uk/call/> 
which mentions that HMT have put PESA (the Public Expenditure 
Statistical Analyses) online at:


However I have to say that having looked there all I can see is PDF 
stuff. Am I missing something? If nothing turns up via that maybe it is 
time to start parsing info out of:



On 09/07/08 19:55, julian at goatchurch.org.uk wrote:
> I know this thread is dead, but this just rolled up today:
> Here's the full Bill as it ran through (click on the PDF link to see the 
> big charts)
> http://services.parliament.uk/bills/2007-08/consolidatedfundappropriationno2.html 
> Oh, and here's how it went through the Parliamentary process:
>    http://www.theyworkforyou.com/debates/?id=2008-07-08a.1285.0
> Blink and you'd miss it!
> JT

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