[okfn-help] proposal: remove Routes from KForge

John Bywater john.bywater at appropriatesoftware.net
Thu Sep 11 18:26:46 UTC 2008


I would like to propose that we don't need to use Routes in KForge. 
We've just got a very static resource location map, and we can improve 
the stability of KForge (and reduce the testing requirements) by 
replacing Routes with a simple lookup table.

If I don't hear any objections, I'll do this at the next opportunity.

Best wishes,


PS I've got a green bar again with those tests running against Routes 
1.7. But that doesn't feel very satisfactory to me.

John Bywater wrote:
> Hi Rufus,
> As we discovered the other day, KForge is failing tests with Routes 1.9. 
> This means that the "routes>=1.6" setting in the setup.py file is wrong.
> There is absolutely no guarantee of backwards compatibility with Python 
> modules. So I'm against setting the dependencies as "anything greater 
> than X".
> In this spirit, I have changed all "requires" statements to have "==" 
> conditions (was ">=").
> I would like to suggest this is fixed retrospectively for KForge 1.4, 
> which will almost certainly pick up domainmodel 0.3 with it's 
> "domainmodel>=0.2" setting.
> Hope all's good. Best wishes,
> John.
> PS Did you want to meet this week to do some KForge stuff? There's only 
> tomorrow (poss. Sat?) left now!
> John Bywater wrote:
>> Hi Rufus,
>> Got the KForge release tests working. But although everything worked out 
>> on my laptop, I'm getting a "red bar" on the server.
>> It's to do with Routes url_for() method. Have you seen this before?
>> Best wishes,
>> John.
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John Bywater, Director
Appropriate Software Foundation
Registered in England and Wales
17 Chapel Street, Hyde Cheshire
Company number: 04977110
Telephone: 07811 392292

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