[okfn-help] Conference Call Services

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Fri Apr 2 12:43:29 UTC 2010

On 2 April 2010 11:58, Sara Wingate Gray <sara.gray at okfn.org> wrote:
> Hi Lisa,
> thanks for creating this list. I have added a couple more options to it.
> Jonathan and I have been having a quick brainstorm around the exact requirements, and we've come up with the following needs for the service:

Existing research by James Casbon and myself is here (you may already
have seen it :) ):


I suggest we keep adding to there as we find stuff. Would be nice to
have a matrix of prices and options.

We also now have a paid-for number for board conference calls. James:
could you detail company/charges for that?


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