[okfn-help] Tickets & CKAN

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Mon Jan 18 21:40:39 UTC 2010

2010/1/18 Daniel Dietrich <daniel.dietrich at okfn.org>:
> Hi Jonathan, Hi Rufus,
> On 11.01.2010, at 17:25, Jonathan Gray wrote:
>> We try and keep track of what we're doing using Trac. (Have you used it before?)
> Yes I do. Sorry for the long delay.
>> Hence, I've assigned you the Open Definition tickets, in addition to
>> the CKAN ticket you already had:
>>  http://knowledgeforge.net/okfn/tasks/ticket/113
> The content itself is migrated already. How do we proceed with the structure / layout? Should I make a proposal? I personally don't like the theme very much. Also I think

Yes, please do make a proposal :)

>>  http://knowledgeforge.net/okfn/tasks/ticket/131
> I just updated the translation file and wanted to close the ticked, but someone was quicker :)
> Rufus, could you please update the language file once again to the de.ckan life system?
> http://wiki.okfn.org/ckan/de?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=de-ckan.po

Have done (I'm not sure this file isn't any different from what I already had!).

More importantly, with the recent changes to the web user interface,
the translation file is a little out of date and may need touching up.
I've now committed the translation file (.po) to the repository so you
can grab it directly from there (and if you were happy using mercurial
you could even commit your changes directly back ...):


(To get raw text of that file just click on raw link at top of page)

You may notice I've made some efforts to reduce the amount of
translation by removing from the text extraction a couple of templates
that do not need translating (API and the importer).

By the way, how up with sysadminning are you? Moving forward it might
be good for you to be able to update de.ckan.net directly!

> I also noticed the changes on CKAN website and I have to say I like them very much. Is it possible to update the de.CKAN site to the new code / layout as well? That would be great.

It has been done :)

>>  http://knowledgeforge.net/okfn/tasks/ticket/54
> Jonathan: Could you guide me how to do this? Could you please gain me access to the OKFN blog?

See my comments there. I'm not sure this really needs doing (or if it
does how much is involved).


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