[okfn-help] Fwd: Re: MARC Importer Improvements, Sample Output

William Waites william.waites at okfn.org
Wed Jun 23 15:37:45 UTC 2010

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re: MARC Importer Improvements, Sample Output
Date: 	Wed, 23 Jun 2010 16:32:05 +0100
From: 	Rufus Pollock <rufus.pollock at okfn.org>
Reply-To: 	rufus.pollock at okfn.org
To: 	William Waites <ww at styx.org>

This is great Will, but one item:

Please, please can this discussion start taking place *on-list*
(preferably okfn-help) -- we can always create a dedicated list if
people feel there's a problem polluting okfn-help ...


On 23 June 2010 16:15, William Waites <ww at styx.org> wrote:
> So some vast improvements, and a step or two backwards.
> On the bright side, the work in
> http://knowledgeforge.net/pdw/trac/ticket/101
> means we can now take MARC records and make sensible
> RDF out of them -- probably the most complete such thing
> out there if you look at the sample files (attached to this mail
> and to the ticket).
> In addition to the standard changeset layer, it includes
>  * provenance information using OPMV, which includes the
>     command line used to generate the data, should be
>     sufficient for recreating it
>  * proper handling of various types of identifiers -- this should
>     be very helpful for deduplication. Wherever possible
>     owl:sameAs links are made as well
>  * proper handling of subject matter using controlled
>     vocabularies where they are available (e.g. library of
>     congress subject headings, etc) as well as proper representation
>     of people when they are listed as a topic (e.g. biographies)
> Much more to be done, the evolution of Work/Manifestation/
> Item now has to be redone, and then a second pass at deduplication
> (on the Work/Manifestation level) needs to be done. Fortunately
> there should be provenance linkages to all source material so
> you will be able to navigate down the whole tree to the individual
> MARC record
> Cheers,
> -w
> --
> William Waites                       <ww at styx.org>
> Mob: +44 789 798 9965
> Fax: +44 131 464 4948
> CD70 0498 8AE4 36EA 1CD7  281C 427A 3F36 2130 E9F5

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