[OKFN-IN] Fwd: [EIFLoa] Berlin 10 Open Access Conference: 2nd Announcement
Sridhar Gutam
gutam2000 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 8 07:37:43 UTC 2012
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From: Iryna Kuchma <iryna.kuchma at eifl.net>
Date: 8 June 2012 12:55
Subject: [EIFLoa] Berlin 10 Open Access Conference: 2nd Announcement
To: eifloa <eifloa at lists.eifl.net>, boai-forum <boai-forum at ecs.soton.ac.uk>
[Forwarded message from Smith, Ina]
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Berlin 10 Open Access Conference, Stellenbosch, South Africa*
As announced previously, the Berlin 10 Open Access Conference will be held
at Stellenbosch, South Africa. The Conference will be held at the
Wallenberg Research Centre, Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study
(STIAS) from 7-8 November 2012. Pre-conference workshops will be held on 6
November. The theme of the Conference is *Network scholarship in a
networked world: participation in Open Access*. Given that the Conference
will be held in Africa, the sub-themes to be explored are concomitant with
the development and transformative agenda of Open
Access. The sub-themes are:****
**· **Transformation through Open Access****
**· **Open Access and other forms of openness****
**· **Benefits of Open Access for scholarship and wider society****
**· **Open Access and improving assessment of research and
scholarly publishing****
**· **Networked scholarship****
Stellenbosch University <http://www.sun.ac.za/>, in partnership with the Max
Planck Society <http://www.mpg.de/en> and other hosts, has the distinct
pleasure of inviting policy and ‘funding’ communities, scientists and
researchers and librarians to the Berlin 10 Open Access
*Please take note of the following*
*Call** **to Actio**n**!*****
We would like to call on all institutions supporting opening access to
research information to also sign the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to
Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities. Please visit
http://www.berlin10.org/call-to-action.html for more information.****
Registrations for both the conference and pre-conference workshops will
open on the 31st of July 2012.****
*Stay in touch!*****
Please stay in touch and follow all activities around the Berlin 10 Open
Access Conference by joining us on
twitter <https://twitter.com/#%21/Berlin10SA/>, or through subscribing to
our newsletter <http://lists.lib.sun.ac.za/mailman/listinfo/berlin10>.****
*Other relevant information will become available in forthcoming
announcements which will also be available on the conference website (**
www.berlin10.org* <http://www.berlin10.org>*).*****
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*Ina Smith*****
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*[image: Description: b10]* <http://www.berlin10.org/>****
* *****
E-Research Repository Manager (SUNScholar) | Library and Information
Service | Stellenbosch University | Private Bag X5036, 7599 | South Africa**
*http://scholar.sun.ac.za* | *http://www.journals.ac.za* | E-mail: *
ismith at sun.ac.za *|* *Tel: +27 21 808 9139 | *Skype: smith.ina *| Office
hours: Mo-Fr: 08h00-16h30****
E-Navorsingsbewaarplekbestuurder (SUNScholar) | Biblioteek- en
Inligtingsdiens | Universiteit Stellenbosch | Privaatsak X5036, 7599 |
*http://scholar.sun.ac.za* | *http://www.journals.ac.za* | E-pos: *
ismith at sun.ac.za *| Tel: +27 21 808 9139 | *Skype: smith.ina | *Kantoorure:
Mo-Fr: 08h00-16h30****
*[image: Description: cid:image004.jpg at 01C9FFC1.4A20BBC0]*****
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