John Handelaar
johnhandelaar at gmail.com
Tue Feb 18 18:57:37 UTC 2014
Annoyed, if *utterly* unsurprised, that
a) DPER has completely removed all references to FOI fees following
the public consultation and
b) None of you appear to have queried it on the record.
On 18 February 2014 14:21, Nuala Haughey <nhaughey at tasc.ie> wrote:
> Dear all,
> With apologies in advance for any cross-postings, I’d like to remind you of
> this week’s meeting of the OGP civil society forum, tonight in TASC’s
> offices on 14-15 Parliament Street, Dublin 2 at 17.30. The CS Forum will
> meet every Tuesday evening at the same time, for the time being. We hope
> everyone who can will be there for these important discussions.
> The purpose of tonight’s meeting is to discuss progress to date on the work
> towards Ireland’s first OGP Action Plan.
> I attach DPER’s first draft National Action Plan outline which was discussed
> at the second meeting of the DPER/CS Joint Working Group (JWG) meeting last
> Thursday, 13th February.
> Below are the notes and Action Points of the JWG meeting of 13th February.
> Denis has also kindly uploaded these documents to this google drive:
> https://drive.google.com/a/online.ie/?usp=gmail#folders/0B5UpNv1ZWNoDQmZMTjBFVThob2c
> OGP Joint Working Group
> Summary Meeting Notes
> 13/2/14
> Civil Society Members present: Andrew Jackson, Denis Parfenov, Nuala
> Haughey, Antoin Ó Lachtnain, Anne Colgan.
> Civil Service Members Present: William Beausang (PER), Evelyn O’Connor
> (PER), Claire Martinez (PER), Conor McCann (PER), Donal Enright
> (D/Environment, Community & Local Government).
> The draft Work Plan: DPER circulated a draft Work Plan with a schedule of
> tasks/meetings aimed at having a good draft plan for April 3rd. The plan
> factors in some wider consultation on the draft, but leaves open the option
> of public consultation following the launch. The CS had also done work on
> possible scheduling of tasks. Both plans are broadly similar, with some
> differences in emphasis as to where most time investment will be needed. The
> two schedules will be merged by DPER, and serve as a guide/check as we go
> rather than a rigid timetable.
> Conference planning: The intended attendance will be 300 people. The key
> planning matters include themes, topics, speakers from Europe and elsewhere,
> Chairs, rapporteurs, plenaries and break-out sessions, logistics and event
> management. The planning timeframe is tight. DPER requested 2/3 volunteers
> from CS to join the planning team. Denis offered to be involved. CS will
> source another person/s for the team as quickly as possible. CS volunteers
> will also be sought to assist at the conference.
> Themes: CS gave feedback on the three themes put forward by DPER (link) –
> Open Data, Political Reform, Improving Public Services and strengthening
> citizen participation. The main CS view was that the themes should link more
> explicitly to the OGP agenda. There was a lengthy discussion about the link
> between improved customer service and citizen engagement. The CS view
> favoured separating these and keeping the focus on citizen engagement with a
> core purpose of strengthening democratic participation. The CS ideas about
> themes focused on accountability/ transparency, strengthening democracy and
> areas such as innovation and growth; political reform and Open data would be
> key enablers for these. DPER referred to the need for a plan that will be an
> integrated whole. They will recast the themes in advance of next CS Forum
> meeting (Tuesday 18th), and provide a draft narrative that aims to set a
> context.
> DPER Document on CS Submission: CS gave feedback on the DPER document
> (link). The DPER document was very helpful in providing background and
> context to the CS Propositions. One CS concern was that the DPER document
> does not explicitly state where the scope for change lies, though there are
> some pointers, and does not appear to leave scope for new initiatives to
> emerge. CS made a case for explicit feedback on each proposal; while DPER
> felt that this might risk getting the process bogged down in detail and
> reducing the room for convergence, they will undertake to do that since it
> will help CS in its task of finalising its proposals.
> Action Plan template: CS proposed that there would be joint/separate
> Government/CS introduction rather than a merged introduction and that CS 62
> proposed would be ‘memorialised’ in some way; DPER will prepare a first
> working draft of the Introduction, but this will be open to revision and
> this will be finalised when the Action plan is agreed.
> Administrative support: The governance arrangements for the administrative
> support were reviewed, and CS gave an update on the progress in hiring the
> administrator (interviews 13/2/14). DPER requested that the OGP website
> would be moderated, as previously, to have oversight of content. It was
> agreed that the OGP Logo will be retained exclusively for the OGP website.
> Next meeting: Thursday February 20th at 11.30am, DPER offices.
> OGP Joint Working Group Meeting – 11.30am 13/02/14
> Action Points
> Location: TASC, Castleriver House, 14-15 Parliament Street, Dublin 2
> Civil Society Members present: Anne Colgan, Andrew Jackson, Denis Parfenov,
> Nuala Haughey, Antoin Ó Lachtnain
> Civil Service Members Present: William Beausang (PER), Evelyn O’Connor
> (PER), Claire Martinez (PER), Conor McCann (PER), Donal Enright
> (D/Environment, Community & Local Government).
> A number of action points emerged from this meeting, the second gathering of
> the OGP Joint Working group, continuing the collaborative process of
> drafting Ireland’s first OGP National Action plan.
> · D/PER representatives agreed to begin work on a point by point
> tabular response to the 62 proposals put forward in the Civil Society
> report. This tabular response will be similar in style to those issued
> previously by D/ECLG. It will briefly outline why particular proposals
> are/are not being considered as feasible for inclusion in the action plan or
> where there is convergence. This will give all those who contributed to the
> public meetings in 2013 an understanding of the reasons why their input
> is/is not proposed for inclusion in the action plan.
> · D/PER will further develop the proposed headings in the draft
> action plan outline to broaden them into more specific thematic areas with a
> high level vision narrative for the plan around the themes.
> · D/PER will also start drafting the Introduction to the plan
> indicating inter alia the reasoning behind Irish involvement in the OGP and
> the importance of the process. They will also start drafting a description
> of Open Government efforts to date.
> · The incoming administrative support member, who is expected to
> begin work shortly, will consolidate the two draft work plans – put forward
> by D/PER and civil society representatives respectively – into a single work
> plan.
> · Regarding the administrative support, it was agreed that the
> budgeting would be flexible enough to allow for the arrangement of meetings
> etc. It was also agreed that the OGP Ireland logo would be taken down from
> twitter accounts not directly associated with the OGP Ireland website, in
> order to avoid confusion.
> · The next meeting of the Joint Working Group will take place on
> Thursday February 20 at 11:30am in 14 – 16 Merrion Street.
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