[okfn-labs] Spending story: US city bankruptcies

Gregor Aisch gregor.aisch at okfn.org
Sat Aug 11 22:58:49 UTC 2012

Am 10.08.2012 um 09:59 schrieb Rufus Pollock <rufus.pollock at okfn.org>:

> On 9 August 2012 19:49, Gregor Aisch <gregor.aisch at okfn.org> wrote:
>> Hi Rufus
>> Maybe you can help me out, but isn't this:
>>  http://timeliner.reclinejs.com/
>> an exact copy of this:
>>  http://timeline.verite.co/#embed
> No, it isn't :-)
> First off, ReclineJS itself in general re-uses existing best-of-breed
> viz tools and connects them with backends (it doesn't want to reinvent
> a great graphing library, or mapping library or timeline library). So
> the timeline component is primarily But it also connects them with
> multiple data sources (so e.g. I've use the Timeliner with data from
> ElasticSearch or the DataHub).

Thanks a lot for clearing this up. Until now I still had this vague idea of ReclineJS being a sort of JavaScript clone of Google Refine, mainly intended to clean data (and not to visualize and publish it). Maybe that's because of the name similarity and the grid/facet component ReclineJS started with. 

Btw, the same misunderstanding also was the reason why I was suprised to see http://transformer.datahub.io/ not being released as a feature of ReclineJS.

And, just for the records, I currently work on a open source project with a very similar goal as you described (connecting viz libraries to data backends), which is called Datawrapper. I'm sure it'll be interesting to learn from each other, although both projects admittedly have quite different target groups.


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