[okfn-labs] need datavis?

Gregor Aisch gregor.aisch at okfn.org
Fri Dec 21 14:22:03 UTC 2012

Hi Kate,

Datavis people are always needed! :)

I've seen that you are using d3js, so let me quickly introduce one project that could need some visualization. It's called OpenSpending.org and is basically a huge collection of spending datasets, for which it provides a unified and powerful API.

OpenSpending features a tool which allows users to create their own datavis-views on datasets. However, we haven't come very far, so while we support treemaps and our very own bubble tree, the editor still lacks simple charts such as bar charts, line charts etc.

The other thing we did is to create stand-alone apps around particular datasets on OpenSpending. You probably heard about WhereDoesMyMoneyGo.org or OffenerHaushalt.de.


In general, there is a specific need for tools that help journalists to discover stories in government spending data (=spending stories). So if you're interesting in that, just shout :)

But, of course, there's more stuff we could do next year. We're always keen on apps that provide a novel ways of looking at any kind of public data. The project Europe's Energy is one example. That's the kind of stuff we try to come up with during our Labs sprints. 

Anyway, great to have you around!


Am 21.12.2012 um 11:26 schrieb Kate McCurdy <kate.a.mccurdy at gmail.com>:

> Hi all!
> I'm Kate, an academic refugee with a background in linguistics and a strong interest in data visualization, and I'd love to contribute my skills to some of the various excellent projects going on under the auspices of the Open Knowledge Foundation. If you feel that your project could use some more clarity, interactivity, or general prettiness in the presentation of its numbers, please feel free to check out my website:
> k-means.net/projects
> and drop me an email to discuss the possibility of collaboration. 
> Looking forward to having something interesting to work on in the new year!
> Kate
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