[okfn-labs] Recline JS search demo

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Sat Oct 20 10:57:19 UTC 2012

ReclineJS now has a simple demo showing how to use it to build
JS-based (ajax-style) search interfaces:


The source JS is very simple: <http://reclinejs.com/demos/search/app.js>


## More Examples

In addition to the rather unexciting default there's are two
additional examples:

1. Running of OpenSpending SOLR API:

Search for something interesting like "Drugs" or "Nuclear power"

2. From a google docs listing (incomplete) of Shell Oil spills in the
Niger delta: <http://reclinejs.com/demos/search/?backend=gdocs&url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aon3JiuouxLUdExXSTl2Y01xZEszOTBFZjVzcGtzVVE>

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