[okfn-labs] Combining and republishing datasets with different licenses

Julius Chrobak julius at mingle.io
Fri Aug 30 11:00:23 UTC 2013

Hello Everyone,

I'd like to ask you a question of how to resolve the issue of combining and republishing datasets with different licenses.

For example, I'd like to join data from GeoNames and OpenStreetMap. GeoNames is available under CC BY 3.0 and OpenStreetMap under ODbL. What happens if I join these two datasets and  get a response where some attributes come from one source and some from the other, and some attributes are calculated? How should the derived data be licensed?

We are having this discussion currently in our team at mingle.io. Our users can easily mix and mingle with different Open Data and we would like to help them understand what are the consequences of mixing data under different licenses. We ourselves have a lot of ideas for derived data sets and we'd like to put them on mingle.io.

Any thoughts on this? Has anyone looked into this issue already? 

Thanks and regards,
Julius Chrobak
co-founder of mingle.io - query API for Open Data
t.: +41 44 830 00 33 / @julochrobak
Hertistrasse 1, CH-8304 Wallisellen
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