[OKFN-NL] hibernated or death?
Posthumus, RA (Rense) (BZ/BBH)
r.a.posthumus at minfin.nl
Fri Jan 20 12:01:05 UTC 2017
Hi Sebastian,
Nowadays, i’m responsible for several projects:
-renewal of contracts for rijksbegroting.nl (including opendata.rijksbegroting.nl),
-implementation of standard business reporting (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yl8HXL7kBu4) including the standardization part of the data and
-setting up a data analytics team for the finance function
so alas not much time left for opendata.
However all the above mentioned projects cumulate in two main products: a database that can be used for making the budgetdocuments more digital and open and a standardized set of data uniformly over the departments.
We are in close contact with OSF.
Van: sebastiaanterburg at gmail.com [mailto:sebastiaanterburg at gmail.com] Namens Sebastiaan ter Burg
Verzonden: vrijdag 20 januari 2017 12:31
Aan: Posthumus, RA (Rense) (BZ/BBH)
CC: Egon Willighagen; okfn-nl at lists.okfn.org
Onderwerp: Re: [OKFN-NL] hibernated or death?
Hi everyone,
hibernation sounds like a good description. One of the challenges has always been to position OKFN-NL because there are already so many other organisations and individuals active. We recently had a meeting of "Open Ambassadors", this meeting was organised by Kennisland (photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/ter-burg/albums/72157675252061154).
Egon, is there anything specific you are looking for (input for the proposal, contact information of people to exchange ideas with, etc.).
Rense, are you in any way involved in the Open Spending Detaildata project of the Open State Foundation?
Sebastiaan ter Burg
+31 6 480 88 615
sebastiaan at ter-burg.nl<mailto:sebastiaan at ter-burg.nl>
On Fri, Jan 20, 2017 at 10:08 AM, Posthumus, RA (Rense) (BZ/BBH) <r.a.posthumus at minfin.nl<mailto:r.a.posthumus at minfin.nl>> wrote:
Hi Egon,
I don't see much activity.
A node can be in hibernation, but that doesn't mean that the work on open data also stops ;-)
In my former role as projectleader for more openness on finance and budgets, I established an ambitious plan: within five years all the financial data from departments and agencies in the Netherland, that can be opened (within the boundaries of the laws) will be opened in a period of five years time.
This work is now being carried out, results will be published in tranches the upcoming years.
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: okfn-nl [mailto:okfn-nl-bounces at lists.okfn.org<mailto:okfn-nl-bounces at lists.okfn.org>] Namens Egon Willighagen
Verzonden: vrijdag 20 januari 2017 10:00
Aan: okfn-nl at lists.okfn.org<mailto:okfn-nl at lists.okfn.org>
Onderwerp: [OKFN-NL] hibernated or death?
Hi all,
how is OKFN-NL doing? The Twitter channel is not used a lot anymore, the nl.okfn.org<http://nl.okfn.org> website redirects to okfn.nl<http://okfn.nl>, and I don't see NL listed in the national nodes at https://okfn.org/network/ ?
I am asking, as the Dutch government is writing a national plan for Open Science (which it sees as any scholarly discipline, e.g.
Is the Dutch node/chapter just hibernated or is the state worse than that?
E.L. Willighagen
Department of Bioinformatics - BiGCaT
Maastricht University (http://www.bigcat.unimaas.nl/)
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