[okfn-tw] GDPR《一般性個人資料保護法規》會讓你不要不要的
TH Schee
info at motomosa.com
Thu Nov 2 12:30:14 UTC 2017
2cents for now:
- Raise awareness oin GDPR in an online/tech savvy fashion, and make it the first stop for anyone seeking GDPR resources in Chinese
- Actively engage non-profit sectors to talk about it
- Create a campaign and take on government + public institutes (or Chunghwa Telecom), maybe like the Transparency Report done in HK but not to that degree of detail
- Observing and suggesting what the legislative bodies should respond to it at next 立法會會期
TH Schee
M: +1 (646) 820-0002 | +886-968-665002
[Taipei.IO](http://taipei.io) | [Open Knowledge Taiwan](http://okfn.tw) | @scheeinfo
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: GDPR《一般性個人資料保護法規》會讓你不要不要的
> Local Time: October 22, 2017 11:00 PM
> UTC Time: October 22, 2017 3:00 PM
> From: info at motomosa.com
> To: Taipei.IO <taipei-io-general at googlegroups.com>, okfn-tw at lists.okfn.org <okfn-tw at lists.okfn.org>
> 晚餐後喝茶再寫一篇。
> https://netpolicy.taipei.io/fa06fe5a1ba
> 由於台灣的跨國業者多半在個人資料保護和處理原則歷有「醜名」在外,電子和網通業者又堪稱翹楚,早就是歐盟境內相關消費團體的當然關心對象。近來又有金管會準備雷厲風行以提高罰則的方式,威勸金融單位應以更高之現代標準(請注意關鍵字:現代)面對金融資安業務。
> --
> TH Schee
> M: +1 (646) 820-0002 | +886-968-665002
> [Taipei.IO](http://taipei.io) | [Open Knowledge Taiwan](http://okfn.tw) | @scheeinfo
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