[okfn-za] Online Open Access Debates

The African Commons Project rosanne at africancommons.org
Tue Feb 12 10:08:04 UTC 2013

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Is Open Access the weak link in the open movement?


It is time to envision a new, contemporary OA agenda? And if so, what would this look like?


Tweeting it. Give an opinion in 140 characters or less!


The Gray Area blog (Eve Gray) [http://www.gray-area.co.za/]

Is Open Access the weak link in the open movement?

Open Access (OA) has become an accepted norm for journal-based research publications around the world, led by countries such as the United Kingdom.  Yet has the process of academic publishing embraced the same levels of openness prevalent in other communities, such as Open Data and Open Educational Resources?

A  criticism  [http://blog.okfn.org/2012/10/26/is-open-access-open/]levelled against OA is its tendency to face inwards, rather than embracing inclusion from groups beyond academia.   This is not only true of the self-analysis process, but also within the narrow focus on OA in terms of journals versus other - or alternative - platforms and instruments.  Another criticism is the lack of open and critical self-reflection.  And a lack of clear definition – upheld in practice – is yet a further criticism.

It is time to envision a new, contemporary OA agenda? And if so, what would this look like?

Join the online discussion now as we debate the pitfalls and progress of OA.  The discussion is hosted on the  WSIS Knowledge Communities platform here [http://www.wsis-community.org/pg/forum/topic/668046/is-open-access-the-weak-link-in-the-open-movement/].  The discussion is public but in order to contribute, please note that you will have to register on the platform.

This discussion follows on from our previous discussion,  "Is Open Access only for rich countries?" [http://www.wsis-community.org/pg/forum/topic/586392/is-open-access-only-for-rich-countries-participate-now-in-an-online-dialogue-on-open-access-and-the-developing-world/]  This was a great debate, and we look forward to your contribution!

Tweeting it. Give an opinion in 140 characters or less!

For those avid tweeters out there, join us in a supporting live discussion which will take place on Thursday, 14 February at 2 pm GMT +2.

Use the hashtag #developOA and give an opinion in 140 characters or less!

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