[okfn-za] AskTheEU Foi platform

Greg Kempe greg at kempe.net
Sat Nov 9 08:18:26 UTC 2013

Agreed, having these in the open would be great.

We could see who else has asked for the same content, what responses were, which bodies approve the requests and which deny them, etc.

Groups like the M&G make requests the whole time. Having those publicly available would be very informative.

The platform exists (and is used by asktheeu): http://www.alaveteli.org/


Greg Kempe
p +27 (0)78 246 1116
w  kempe.net
t  @longhotsummer

On 09 November 2013 at 8:00:20 AM, Adi Eyal (adi at code4sa.org) wrote:

I just came across this really nice example of an FOI request exchange on the AskTheEU site.


I make requests all the time but doing it in public like this seems to be quite educational.


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