[Open-access] [open-science] OKFest - Call for Proposals
Peter Murray-Rust
pm286 at cam.ac.uk
Fri Apr 20 14:28:52 UTC 2012
On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 11:53 AM, Laura Newman <laura.newman at okfn.org>wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> The OKFest etherpad is coming into shape! See:
> http://science.okfnpad.org/OKFest
> I think we have an (almost) final version now. Please do feel free to read
> through and make any further edits in the next few hours. I will take a
> final look later this afternoon and then submit around 5pm BST.
Looks good to me. Have made one 1-word edit!
> Thanks for all your help!
> Laura
> On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 3:57 PM, Laura Newman <laura.newman at okfn.org>wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Jenny, Tom Olijhoek and I will be chatting to the OKFest team in about
>> half an hour (4:30pm BST). If you would like to be more involved in the
>> planning at this stage, please do drop me and line and you'd be very
>> welcome to join the call!
>> Otherwise the three of us will work on tidying the ideas in the etherpad
>> into proposal format this evening. We can continue to plan further once we
>> (hopefully!) have approval from the main OKFest team :)
>> Cheers,
>> Laura
>> On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 8:26 PM, Jenny Molloy <jcmcoppice12 at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Thanks Jessy!
>>> Laura and I are chatting to Kat and Jussi from the OKFest team tomorrow
>>> to confirm what we need to do and then we'll tidy up/formalise the pad and
>>> transfer it to the OKFest form on Friday so no need to write up formally.
>>> Keep the great ideas coming everyone!
>>> Jenny
>>> On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 7:47 PM, Jessy Kate Schingler <
>>> jessy at jessykate.com> wrote:
>>>> hey all,
>>>> just added an idea for "flash mob peer review" on the pad, pasted
>>>> below. basically a fun, hands-on and in-person open peer review session
>>>> with an included user study (tho no reason we couldn't support remote
>>>> participants if the tools were online). curious for ideas or improvements
>>>> on the two approaches suggested.
>>>> jenny, how does the writing up of the proposals work - are we expected
>>>> to write these up for formally or is that what you guys are going to do
>>>> with the pad thursday and friday?
>>>> jessy
>>>> *Flash Mob Peer Review* (post or pre publication?)
>>>> - have people submit article(s) ahead of the conference for peer
>>>> review. describe the plan and emphasize that this will be a fun way for
>>>> them to help experiment with new mechanisms in science/peer review. and
>>>> will also be quite public.
>>>> - over the course of the festival, have set times where groups of
>>>> people attend a "flash" peer review session (hmm perhaps flash is the wrong
>>>> word- don't want to imply lack of thoughtfullness?).
>>>> - *two possible approaches:* 1. choose a different, specific tool/site
>>>> for each flash review session, to understand different reactions to
>>>> different tools. 2. just let people have at it and see what they use. impt
>>>> that whatever tools we choose to use can be parallelizable. perhaps just
>>>> annotatejs?
>>>> - user study: interview each participant after each session and
>>>> document feedback on what worked and what didn't. write this up and share
>>>> with the community.
>>>> - IMHO this would be interesting for both pre- and post-publication but
>>>> would be particularly interested to see how authors felt it helped improve
>>>> their work pre-publication.
>>>> - perhaps have an iteration mechanism, even during the conference?
>>>> On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 1:47 AM, Jenny Molloy <jcmcoppice12 at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>> Hi All
>>>>> The deadline for stream proposals is approaching so please add your
>>>>> ideas to the Etherpad in as much detail as you can over the next couple of
>>>>> days! The festival co-ord team are particularly keen for sessions to take
>>>>> place in various formats, not just the traditional talk or panel, so get
>>>>> creative!
>>>>> http://science.okfnpad.org/OKFest
>>>>> The final edits will take place on Thursday night and Friday morning
>>>>> before the proposal is submitted.
>>>>> Jenny
>>>>> On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 5:31 PM, Laura Newman <laura.newman at okfn.org>wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> As many of you may have spotted, the Call for Proposals for OKFest
>>>>>> was officially launched today! You can read's Kat's blog post here:
>>>>>> http://blog.okfn.org/2012/03/28/okfestival-call-for-proposals-released-with-a-twist/
>>>>>> We should definitely propose an Open Science stream. The deadline for
>>>>>> proposals is 20th April. You can see the format our proposal will need to
>>>>>> take here:
>>>>>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dGY5bTNkT05wd2ZkUS1EZktJVFE4UGc6MQ
>>>>>> The etherpad we began planning on is actually looking pretty healthy.
>>>>>> Many thanks to everyone who has contributed already. It would be great to
>>>>>> get as many ideas down there as possible before we submit the proposal
>>>>>> though, so do take a minute to have another look. In particular, they are
>>>>>> keen for sessions to take place in various formats, not just the
>>>>>> traditional talk / panel. We've had a couple of ideas for hands on drafting
>>>>>> and tool-testing sessions, but do keep thinking and suggesting! The
>>>>>> etherpad is here:
>>>>>> http://science.okfnpad.org/OKFest
>>>>>> I have rearranged the original text to fit the form for the OKFest
>>>>>> Call for Proposals. Please add, comment and edit away!
>>>>>> I have included the formal text for the Call for Proposals below this
>>>>>> email.
>>>>>> Thanks everyone!
>>>>>> Laura
>>>>>> First Round Deadline: April 20th 2012
>>>>>> Second Round Deadline: June 1st 2012
>>>>>> We are delighted to announce that this year’s Open Government Data
>>>>>> Camp and Open Knowledge Conference are joining to form a week-long
>>>>>> celebration: the *Open Knowledge Festival*!
>>>>>> This pioneering event will include an action-packed week of lectures,
>>>>>> seminars, workshops, hackathons, coding jams, and interactive sessions that
>>>>>> will bring together individuals and organizations from a wide variety of
>>>>>> backgrounds to exchange ideas, make things and meet new people. OKFest will
>>>>>> also highlight the diversity of Finland’s open knowledge communities to a
>>>>>> new international audience, with a specific effort to encourage the
>>>>>> participation of representatives from Nordic nations.
>>>>>> Join us in Helsinki, Finland on 17-22 of September 2012 for a week of
>>>>>> open knowledge and global inspiration.
>>>>>> The 2012 theme of OKFestival is *Open Knowledge in Action*. We will
>>>>>> focus on the /value/that can be generated by opening up knowledge, the
>>>>>> ecosystems of organisations that benefit from and participate in sharing,
>>>>>> and the impact that open knowledge can have in our societies. What kinds of
>>>>>> new professions, ideas and community initiatives can emerge within our
>>>>>> governments, markets, networks and neighbourhoods as a result of these
>>>>>> engagements?
>>>>>> The exploration of this theme will not only be visible in the
>>>>>> festival’s content, but also in its implementation as the first global
>>>>>> event of its kind. At OKFestival, we will experiment with new forms of
>>>>>> collaboration, new workshop formats and new forms of participation. We’ll
>>>>>> bring together civil society representatives, programmers, data wranglers,
>>>>>> designers, students, members of government and local communities for a week
>>>>>> of building new things and sharing great ideas.
>>>>>> We have *two submission deadlines*this Spring based on our venue
>>>>>> capacity at the *Aalto University School of Arts, Design and
>>>>>> Architecture*in Helsinki. We suggest applying as soon as possible in order
>>>>>> to ensure adequate venue space, support and funding for your proposals.
>>>>>> First Round Deadline: April 20th 2012
>>>>>> Second Round Deadline: June 1st 2012
>>>>>> We are looking for proposals related to specific open knowledge and
>>>>>> open data topics, but also new viewpoints and cross-cutting issues which
>>>>>> may help us to understand how open knowledge is working in our society.
>>>>>> Examples of such topics are the well-being of communities, civil society
>>>>>> and citizen empowerment, democracy, entrepreneurship, smart cities,
>>>>>> sustainability etc.
>>>>>> More information at http://www.okfestival.org
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Laura Newman
>>>>>> Community Coordinator
>>>>>> Open Knowledge Foundation
>>>>>> http://okfn.org/
>>>>>> Skype: lauranewmanonskype
>>>>>> Twitter: @Newmanlk
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>>>>> _______________________________________________
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>>>> --
>>>> Jessy
>>>> http://jessykate.com
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>>> open-science mailing list
>>> open-science at lists.okfn.org
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>> --
>> Laura Newman
>> Community Coordinator
>> Open Knowledge Foundation
>> http://okfn.org/
>> Skype: lauranewmanonskype
>> Twitter: @Newmanlk
> --
> Laura Newman
> Community Coordinator
> Open Knowledge Foundation
> http://okfn.org/
> Skype: lauranewmanonskype
> Twitter: @Newmanlk
> _______________________________________________
> open-access mailing list
> open-access at lists.okfn.org
> http://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/open-access
Peter Murray-Rust
Reader in Molecular Informatics
Unilever Centre, Dep. Of Chemistry
University of Cambridge
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