[Open-access] An anti-RWA bill

Tom Olijhoek tom.olijhoek at gmail.com
Wed Feb 1 10:37:18 UTC 2012

I think that we NEED this type of discussion. for me reading Bjorn's
arguments adds to a growing feeling of us (scientists) being held hostage
by the scientific publishers because we let them.. And the way to go would
be to not let them.
In other times the publishers were wielding power, because they printed and
distributed knowledge at a price.
Now the internet allows for almost free dissemination of knowledge and the
only reason to keep going to renowned journals and publishers with our work
is because of their reputation, which mainly resides in our minds. And as
long as all scientists believe this we would have to keep publishing with
these publishers in order to be seen.
We have it in our own hands how we want to share knowledge. If we want a
future with open science and open access we need to convince people that
publishing Open Access is far superior to publishing using the conventional
publishers. We could achieve this by showing people the advantages and
possibilities of open access publishing. We could build a web portal that
offers information in an open access way: malaria researchers could form a
community where scientist share their research papers in repositories, also
via links to open access journals, We can develop tools for improved
sharing of information, easier access to information. We can offer direct
online communication. Ideally we would also start our own online OA
journals. If we were to form an initiative along these lines we could
attract a lot of scientists and citizens who are fed up with the system as
it is.
And let's not forget students who are looking for new ways to communicate
science (R2RC).
We need to change the system as we can not depend on publishers to give up
their lacrative businesses.
And change needs a change of attitude (of scientists) which we can promote
by way of a strong internet presence with a strong message.

On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 10:48 AM, Peter Murray-Rust <pm286 at cam.ac.uk> wrote:

> This is an open list and anyone is welcome.
> The subject is complex, and people feel passionately. I for one expected
> this type of discussion and it's useful to have viewpoints aired.
> I think most of us want to see something concrete come out of this fairly
> soon. So while we are discussing keep in mind that it should be leading to
> something. It's possible that this might initially be a document or a
> policy. Personally I want to see things like tools and content emerge as
> well.
> P.
> --
> Peter Murray-Rust
> Reader in Molecular Informatics
> Unilever Centre, Dep. Of Chemistry
> University of Cambridge
> CB2 1EW, UK
> +44-1223-763069
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