[Open-access] How to cite the Panton Principles?

Ross Mounce ross.mounce at gmail.com
Tue Feb 14 23:15:32 UTC 2012

I've been lucky enough to be invited to help write a book chapter on
the theme of collaboration, code, and data sharing.
Thus the Panton Principles, Science Code Manifesto and other such
things immediately came to mind...

But, having looked around a few papers that have already cited the
Panton Principles
e.g. these http://www.citeulike.org/user/rossmounce/tag/cites_panton_principles

I'm a bit confused, because most have cited it as just a website, yet
there are four authors clearly listed (PMR, Cameron, Rufus, John)! So
um... it may seem a very simple question but...

A) How would you recommend I cite this?

B) Perhaps once a recommended format is decided upon, could we put it
up on the Panton Principles website, to make it easier for others to
cite? e.g. a 'suggested citation format'

Some example citation forms I've seen so far include:

Panton Principles, Principles for open data in science,
Panton Principles for Open Data in Science: http://pantonprinciples.org/
Panton Principles Web site http://pantonprinciples.org/
Panton Principles - Principles for Open Data in Science



Ross Mounce
PhD Student
Fossils, Phylogeny and Macroevolution Research Group
University of Bath
4 South Building, Lab 1.07

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