[Open-access] Green Gold Gratis Libre

Klaus Graf klausgraf at googlemail.com
Fri Feb 24 15:43:25 UTC 2012

I think we should underline that Suber explicitely says that CC-NC nor
CC-ND isn't BBB-compliant. WE are on the ground of the BBB-definition
and the intentions of the people who have written and initially
accepted these definitions. We can find some statements on this topic
in Suber's writings.

Klaus Graf

2012/2/24 Peter Murray-Rust <pm286 at cam.ac.uk>:
> On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 3:27 PM, Mike Taylor <mike at indexdata.com> wrote:
>> On 24 February 2012 15:18, Klaus Graf <klausgraf at googlemail.com> wrote:
>> >>> Yes.  It might be worth making the point that CC-BY is a libre licence
>> >>> (the canonical one, really) whereas CC-BY-NC is merely a gratis
>> >>> licence.
>> >>
>> >> Agreed. This is an excellent division
>> >
>> > This is the sort of confusion which makes us to an OA sect.
>> While I am not sure exactly what Klaus means by that last statement, I
>> do have to say that I agree that I mistaken in equating CC-BY with
>> libre and CC-BY-NC with gratis.  Suber's post explicitly says that he
>> considers CC-BY-NC to be a libre licence -- merely not the most
>> liberal.  It's unfortunate, but there it is.
>> To summarise:
>>        CC => libre (to some degree)
>>        CC-BY => BBB
>> I think that is all we can confidently say.
> As you say, Peter Suber says:
> No.  Because there is more than one kind of permission barrier to remove,
> there is more than one kind or degree of libre OA.  BBB OA is one kind or
> subset of libre OA.  But there are others, and not all libre OA is BBB OA.
> For example, permitting all uses except commercial use (the CC-NC license)
> and permitting all uses except derivative works (the CC-ND license) are not
> equivalent to one another and --ignoring certain subtleties-- not compatible
> with the BBB definition.  But they all remove price barriers, they all
> remove at least some permission barriers, and therefore they are all libre
> OA.
> We shouldn't speak as if there were just one kind of libre OA.  Gratis OA
> may be just one thing (freedom from price barriers), but libre OA is a
> *range* of things (freedom from price barriers and one or more permission
> barriers).
>  I had forgotten this. I have argued it with PeterS and I think it's the
> root of many of our problems. You can remove one small permission barrier
> and therefore call it LIBRE. Libre can be crafted so that the recipient has
> almost no rights. LIBRE-OA is NOT the same as LIBRE-software
> So we should stick with BOAI or BBB - and work out which. We are all agreed
> that NC and ND are detrimental to what we want to see.
> It is a very confusing area and one of the most valuable things we can do is
> to make everything rock-solidly clear and make our arguments on top of that.
> p.
>> -- Mike.
> --
> Peter Murray-Rust
> Reader in Molecular Informatics
> Unilever Centre, Dep. Of Chemistry
> University of Cambridge
> CB2 1EW, UK
> +44-1223-763069

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