[Open-access] Fwd: [okfn-discuss] Announcing the Linked Open Vocabularies project

Naomi Lillie naomi.lillie at okfn.org
Tue Jul 10 14:35:04 UTC 2012

Please excuse cross-posting - see below for news on the Linked Open
Vocabularies project!


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sam Leon <sam.leon at okfn.org>
Date: 10 July 2012 15:32
Subject: [okfn-discuss] Announcing the Linked Open Vocabularies project
To: okfn-discuss <okfn-discuss at lists.okfn.org>

Dear All,

Big news today that the brilliant Linked Open Vocabularies
project<http://lov.okfn.org/dataset/lov/index.html>has now officially
migrated to Open Knowledge Foundation servers. We are
very pleased to welcome this fantastic project to the family.

For those who don't know the the Linked Open Vocabularies Project can be
summed up in 5 simple points:

   - LOV is about vocabularies (aka. metadata element sets or ontologies)
   in OWL / RDFS used to describe linked data.
   - LOV provides a single-stop access to the Vocabulary Commons ecosystem
   - LOV helps to improve vocabularies understanding, visibility,
   usability, synergy, sustainability and overall quality
   - LOV promotes a technically and socially sustainable management of the
   Vocabulary Commons ecosystem
   - LOV is a community and open project. You are welcome to join the team
   of gardeners of the Vocabulary Commons!

Read more about it in Pierre-Yves Vandenbussche's post for the Open
Knowledge Foundation
Please do circulate this news to your friends and networks.

All the best,

Sam Leon
Community Coordinator
Open Knowledge Foundation
Twitter: @noeL_maS
Skype: samedleon

okfn-discuss mailing list
okfn-discuss at lists.okfn.org

Naomi Lillie
Foundation Administrator and Community Coordinator (Open Bibliography)
Open Knowledge Foundation
Skype: n.lillie
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