[Open-access] Fwd: [sparc-oaforum] Open Access Index
Tom Olijhoek
tom.olijhoek at gmail.com
Sun Jun 24 16:05:47 UTC 2012
Hi Mark,
I have given it some thought and I think you are quite right.
Best we can do is collaborate on the set of indices, ours, the malaria OA
index, journal OA index and Publisher OA index as well (my proposal that I
shared in the very beginning), theirs: author OA index, cottagelab:
institute OA index
I think it would make sense, if they want this collaboration, that we try
to get funding for the whole project, i.e. file a proposal together. It
will increase our chances for funding.
I have no idea what their funding now looks like, but I guess it will
probably be small.
Could you please try and find out ASAP if such a collaboration is possible?
I have heard from Yrina Kuchma that EU openaire is interested in
cooperation on this subject as well.
Then I really plan to get our open access index article out real soon, also
to promote funding possibilities.
. So let's start rolling!
reactions on this subject from other @ccess group members are also invited.
On Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 4:07 AM, Mark MacGillivray <mark at cottagelabs.com>wrote:
> Hi Tom,
> On Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 10:58 PM, Tom Olijhoek <tom.olijhoek at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I must say that I am a bit surprised. But I have also been afraid for a
>> long time that something like this would happen, because I felt that the
>> idea of OA Index had been around for so long.
>> We did advertise our ideas on an open access index openly, it has even
>> been on the homepage for quite a while.
>> I also informed a lot of people of it and by now I would have guessed
>> that many in the open access movement would have heard of our ideas.
>> What surprises me most of all is that they have an open access index
>> initiative funded by JISC???
>> I have been pushing for funding and we are in the process of contacting
>> OSF for the funding of our open access index.
>> It is true that their ideas are for an open access index for authors and
>> very different from ours. But this will be very confusing to say the least.
>> And I am not willing to changer names. We really had the name OA Index
>> before anyone else .I even had a domain reserved 8 months ago
>> openaccessindex.org.
>> I think it is very urgent that we claim the name open access index for us.
>> But rtell me your views.
> I think probably there would be good potential to just combine them up -
> if Theo and the library people here are looking at doing an OA index for
> authors, and JISC are funding it, and you are looking at other sources, we
> can pool them together under the term "open access index". We were already
> at the point of thinking we would need multiple figures to highlight
> varying aspects of open, so having one for authors and one for journals -
> and myself and others at cottage labs were originally interested in one for
> institutes - would be no bad thing.
> Mark
>> TOM
>> On Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 6:49 PM, Daniel Mietchen <
>> daniel.mietchen at googlemail.com> wrote:
>>> Ayone know what's the relation between that OA index and ours?
>>> d.
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Peter Suber <peter.suber at gmail.com>
>>> Date: Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 4:49 PM
>>> Subject: [sparc-oaforum] Open Access Index
>>> To: SOAF post <sparc-oaforum at arl.org>, BOAI Forum post
>>> <boai-forum at ecs.soton.ac.uk>
>>> [Forwarding from Theo Andrew, via the JISC-Repositories list. --Peter
>>> Suber.]
>>> The Open Access Index is a new initiative funded by the JISC-Elevator
>>> scheme. We propose to construct a method to measure an author's
>>> engagement with Open Access which could be represented by a relatively
>>> simple numerical score – the Open Access Index.
>>> We are now in a position where we have access to the information to
>>> calculate such a score through sources including large bibliographic
>>> databases, current research information systems, repositories and SHERPA
>>> Romeo.
>>> Before we start would like to hear your views on whether there is there
>>> a need, and how should the index be calculated:
>>> http://oaindex.org/blog/2012/06/oa-index-survey/
>>> If you have an interest please follow the link and fill in the survey
>>> which consists of these 4 questions:
>>> 1. Would an Open Access Index be useful?
>>> 2. We'd like your thoughts on why this index would be beneficial, and if
>>> not, why not?
>>> 3. What factors should be considered in the construction of an OA-Index?
>>> 4. Would you be interested in being further involved?
>>> The OA-Index team will be attending the Open Repositories 2012
>>> (http://or2012.ed.ac.uk/) conference in Edinburgh where we will hold
>>> an initial meeting. If you are attending the conference and want to
>>> have some input into the OA-Index we are seeking expressions of
>>> interest so we can get an idea of numbers to arrange a suitable venue
>>> - please get in touch with us.
>>> __________________________
>>> Theo Andrew
>>> Research Publications Service
>>> Edinburgh University Library
>>> tel. 0131 651 3850
>>> web. http://bit.ly/UoE-RPS
>>> post. 4 Buccleuch Place,
>>> Edinburgh, EH8 9LW.
>>> skype. theoandrew
>>> --
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