[Open-access] OKFest update

Laura Newman laura.newman at okfn.org
Tue May 22 11:33:14 UTC 2012

Hi all,

Please see below for an update from Kat Braybrooke on the progress of

Thanks to all who helped us to put together our OKFest submission. We have
been partnered with the Open Education folk, and will be participating in
OKFest as part of the 'Open Research and Education' stream. This should be
great, and there are many exciting opportunities for collaboration.

The 'Guest Programming Planners' (those of us who signed up on the etherpad
to help organise the stream!) will be meeting next Tuesday to discuss how
best to move things forward. We will keep you all in the loop as plans
develop :)

If you have any questions or suggestions in the meantime, drop me a line
and we'll make sure your voice gets heard! Equally if anyone would like to
join the Planning Committee, do let me know.

All the best,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kat Braybrooke <kat.braybrooke at okfn.org>
Date: Fri, May 11, 2012 at 5:54 PM
Subject: Request to Lead OKFestival Topic Stream on Open Education and
To: Timothy Vollmer <tvol at creativecommons.org>, Jane Park <
janepark at creativecommons.org>, Leena.Vainio at hamk.fi,
tarmo.toikkanen at aalto.fi, Laura Newman <laura.newman at okfn.org>, Jenny
Molloy <jenny.molloy at okfn.org>, Peter Murray-Rust <pm286 at cam.ac.uk>, Ramine
Tinati <rt506 at ecs.soton.ac.uk>, faisal at pakreport.org, tim.davies at soton.ac.uk
Cc: info at okfestival.org

Hello all,

Kat Braybrooke here from the OKFestival 2012 Core Organising Team with a
message of congratulations - we were highly impressed by your topic
submissions in the 1st Call for Proposals and would like you to be a part
of the festival's organising team!

As many of you have already seen, we have now confirmed the 13 key Topic
Streams of 2012, one of which is *Open Education and Access*. As the Lead
for this topic, I therefore ask if you are willing to come together to be
its Guest Programming Planners <details: http://bit.ly/guest_planner_**
instructions <http://bit.ly/guest_planner_instructions>>.

Our reasoning behind the combining of these concepts is based on the high
quality of submissions we've received related to open access, science,
academia and research - and the fact that we believe much of your
already-impressive work will be made even more enriched by collaborating
around these ideas and finding both commonalities and uniqueness through
this process. Your backgrounds include the Open Knowledge Foundation,
Cambridge University, University of Southampton, Aalto University and other
Finnish educational institutes, Creative Commons - and you have proposed
programme elements related to Open Design, Open Access, Open Data Research,
and Open Education (see Etherpad below for details). I believe there's much
that can happen with such a venerable group.

I've booted up an Etherpad with all of your proposals so everyone can see
everyone else's work, and start discussing best ways to collaborate:
http://okfestival.okfnpad.org/OpenResearchAndEducation I'd also recommend
that we get a Facebook group started as the Open Democracy and Citizen
Movement Topic Stream has just done <see here:
https://www.facebook.com/groups/opendemocracy.okfest/>, so we can start
introducing ourselves to each other and bring new participants in.

The next steps are:

01) We'll need a confirmation ASAP that you're willing to work together as
Guest Programme Planners for this stream. If so, please send us the names
of 1-3 leaders who serve as public representatives and help with the
coordination of this group.

02) Please also read through our Guest Programme Planner handbook and let
me know if you have any questions: http://bit.ly/guest_planner_**
instructions <http://bit.ly/guest_planner_instructions>

03) Lastly, we will be publishing the last Call for Proposals on Monday, so
it would be great to see activity from your organisers on the Public
OKFestival Wiki by the end of next week, to be of use to those who plan to
submit sessions. We're especially looking for a description of who you'd
like to join your team (hackers, teachers, people from universities, etc):

Please reply to the whole group so we can start this discussion. I look
forward to it!


| Kat Braybrooke | Community Coordinator
| Local Chapters and OKFestival
| Open Knowledge Foundation | London
| OKFN.org <http://okfn.org/> | Twitter

Laura Newman
Community Coordinator
Open Knowledge Foundation
Skype: lauranewmanonskype
Twitter: @Newmanlk
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