[Open-access] World budget for scholarly publishing (journals)

Mike Taylor mike at indexdata.com
Mon Oct 15 09:32:17 UTC 2012

On 15 October 2012 10:07, Laurent Romary <laurent.romary at inria.fr> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I remember PMR mentioning some figures concerning the annual budget academic institution dedicate to scholarly publishing (mainly journal subscriptions). Can someone remind me of a figure and possibly a source.

See "The STM Report: an overview of scientific and scholarly journal
publishing" at

page says that "The annual revenues generated from English-language
STM journal publishing are estimated at about $8 billion in 2008, up
by 6-7% compared to 2007, within a broader STM publishing market worth
some $16 billion."

For some disturbing maths based on this figure, see

-- Mike.

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