[Open-access] [open-science] Elsevier: some facts, by Tim Gowers

Richard Poynder ricky at richardpoynder.co.uk
Wed Apr 30 09:21:11 UTC 2014

Another question to ask perhaps is one that the Australian Open Access Support Group is currently puzzling over: How much is the research community spending on OA publishing? 



Is there anything else we need beyond these figures? What am I missing?

Legacy publishers: US$5000
SciELO: US$90
Arxiv: US$7

Multiplied by the number of papers published, this is what we would be paying, if we used one of these exclusively:

Legacy: 10b
SciELO: 0.18b
Arxiv: 0.014b

Do we need any figures beyond that? Rather than focusing on one publisher, we ought to perhaps, if anything, focus on the individual countries, so we can say to each citizen: "you are wasting this much of your taxes on legacy publishing". 

I must be missing something that people spend so much time on Elsevier, when we already seem to have all the numbers we need. What am I missing?


Björn Brembs
Universität Regensburg

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