[Open-access] AIMS User Impact Survey 2014

Thembani Malapela tmalapela at gmail.com
Thu Dec 4 08:44:20 UTC 2014

The AIMS team kindly invites you to participate in this survey whose goal
is to get feedback from users on the impact of AIMS on your work. Your
responses will help in the continuous improvement of AIMS and to understand
better how AIMS products and services can meet the needs of the community.

Here is a link to the survey:

Completing this survey will require only 15 minutes of your time and we
encourage you to respond to every question so as to get the full picture of
the impact. Your privacy is valued and any identifying information will be
kept confidential.
If you have any questions regarding this survey, please contact us at
aims at fao.org

Thank you very much for your participation.

on behalf of AIMS Team

Thembani Malapela
Knowledge and Information Management Officer
Office of Partnerships and Capacity Development
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rome, Italy
thembani.malapela at fao.org
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