[Open-access] Crowdsourcing request

ANDREW Theo Theo.Andrew at ed.ac.uk
Wed Mar 19 13:43:11 UTC 2014

Hi Folks,

If anyone has a spare 15 minutes we would appreciate some help to enhance the recently released Wellcome Trust 2012-13 APC data. We've set up a shared Google doc at:


With some extra info we will be able to see what the cost differences between hybrid journals/pure OA journals are, look at relationships between impact factor/citations, analyse publishers licensing options, etc.

Anyone can click on the link and start adding data. If you can complete even just a couple of rows that would be extremely useful.

Many thanks,


Theo Andrew | Scholarly Communications Team | Edinburgh University Library | George Square | Edinburgh EH8 9LJ
tel: 0131 651 3850 | web: http://edin.ac/18FKfm9 | skype: theoandrew | twitter: @earthowned

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